la petite Vackor

January, 27, 2015 / 2 comments
la petite Vackor

Vackor (IPA: [vɒckor̩̂]) is a teenage food waste grinder with a constantly harrowing innocent gaze. She must be aware that she was adopted, so she acts like everything in this world exists just to please her. She knows all street dogs by name and as she was found in the suburbs, she’s not afraid to tell any dog twice her size that she is always right.

Follow her brave adventures at

Attention! She is rather addictive.

la petite Vackor

la petite Vackor

la petite Vackor

la petite Vackor

la petite Vackor

la petite Vackor

la petite Vackor

la petite Vackor

la petite Vackor

la petite Vackor

la petite Vackor

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la petite Vackor DIY stickers